Cheerful circus imagery welcomes your baby into the nursery, and also provides a lasting whimsical environment for many years of childhood play, Under the Big Top. Project Portfolio>
Exotic and enchanting images of the Moroccan Fantasy, inspire creativity in this hidden play space located under a stairwell. Desert scenes and exotic animals open up this tiny space to become an oasis for play and imagination within a suptuous caravan tent. Project Portfolio>

A lush enchanted forest complete with whimsical flora and fauna creates a wonderful setting, complete with tree house! .Project portfolio>

The monkey bathroom is a long standing tradition for this family. I had the pleasure of touring both grandparents home to take a look at their monkey bathrooms. Project portfolio>

A sophisticated nursery in grays and silver topped with a canopy ceiling covered with metallic silver stars to inspire the dreams of a princess.

The Aladdin's Cave garage transports you into a fantasy land filled with gold and treasures. Magic carpets, monkeys, camels and even a Genie adorn the walls, making this garage do double duty as a party space for the kids and a wonderland to park in .Project Portfolio >

Into the jungle we go. Jungle murals are popular with all ages and I have painted many in several different ways. Use this portfolio port to see just a few examples. Project Portfolio>

The Tyrollean children's playhouse is on every child's wish list. Lots of fun details include: a hand painted coo-coo clock, a fireplace, and alpine details on all the beams. Painted faux plates designs and a bear which are a nod to the owners alma matter Cal. Project Portfolio>

For the boys, this project portfolio has some of the environments I have created for the little men in your life, trains, planes and all that is boys. Project portfolio>

Here you will find a portfolio just for the little girls in your home. Sugar and spice and everything nice. Girls rule the world. Project Portfolio>

A creepy image of Buried Treasure along side a skeleton is part of a taller mural. Project Portfolio

The Dr. Seuss Playroom inspired playroom in bright cheery colors created a fun environment for an active family. Project Portfolio

The Surfing Monkey Bedroom was inspired by a seven year old’s imagination. I had a lot of fun with this one.

I love the clear crisp colors in this delightful and whimsical childs bedroom. Happy Mushrooms reside under a beautiful rainbow in this light filled room